Foyle’s Current EU Projects

We have been at the forefront of improving quality in our VET mobility programmes by being involved in Leonardo da Vinci Partnership, Accompanying Measures and Transfer of Innovation projects and more recently in Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships, in particular focusing on the researching, experimenting and implantation of ECVET principles and in VET practices.  We have worked on projects which analysed vocational guidance practices and provided support to organisations offering VET and are now involved in a Youth project.

In addition we have also worked on a number of projects which focused on improvement of professional and vocational language and the creation of linguistic learning platforms.

We particpate in EU projects as both Irish and UK partners (currently trading as Foyle Internship Europe in Rep. of Ireland) 

We are committed to the improvement and quality of services for VET learners and staff and therefore are keen to co-operate on future projects.  If you would like Foyle International to be a partner in your project please contact

Current Projects

September 2019 – September 2021

CORAL – Creating Opportunities for Adult Learners through entreprenurieal competencies 

  • Project Number: 2019-1-FR01-KA204-063080
  • Type of EU Project: KA2 Strategic Partnership

CORAL is a pan-European educational pathway. It takes inspiration from the Recommendation “A new skills agenda for Europe” (COM 2016 – 381 Final) which urges to up-skill and re-skill the European labour force with new skills, in order to allow them in self-employment and support adults to acquire a minimum level of key competences and/or acquire a broader set of skills necessary to progress towards an upper secondary qualification or equivalent.

More Information

November 2018 – October 2020

MOBILITEACH – Improving work-based learning in mobility by increasing teachers’ planning competences

  • Project Number: 2018-1-EL01-KA2020-049762
  • Type of EU Project: KA2 Strategic Partnership

Mobiliteach International Trainings address teachers and school staff, educators and trainers from all over Europe to support their continuous professional development.

Mobiliteach Trainings have been conceived with an innovative approach. They are based on experiential activities, practitioners’ peer to peer learning and exchange of good practices, so that all participants will actively participate in all the sessions. Moreover Mobiliteach will allow participants to meet people working in the educational field from all over Europe and to enlarge their networks.

Participants will go back home with new working tools, with a deeper understanding of other educational systems, with a clearer vision of the differences existing in Europe and with a new challenge: to bring innovation into their daily work and within their schools!

Recent projects 



PRO-move: Promoting long-term mobility in VET 

Project Number: VS/2017/0274

Type of EU Project: Pilot project through the European Commission

Project details

The main objectives of the project are to strength the consortium partnership and to promote long-term mobility under the current program Erasmus+ for apprentices. The consortia aims to establish an online platform where the work placements opportunities and the support offered by the involved partners (consortia partners, companies, schools, and supporting organizations) are described. Recent VET graduates can apply for the work placements.

During the implementation of the action the partners will identify obstacles concerning long term mobility, will test possible solutions and will collect them in a report to the Commission.

This report aims to cover all stages of the mobility period with findings regarding:
– strategies to integrate mobility schemes in the daily work of the VET-schools incl.
implementation of existing) short-term-mobility
– strategies to inform companies about the possibility to get qualified and motivated staff through mobility schemes
– strategies to inform and to train the hosting companies (especially SME) in order to support their interns in the most successful way
– development of a plan to inform and select participants
– preparation plan (for apprentices, schools, companies) before departure
– the language support: combination between the Online Linguistic Support (OLS) and a presence language course
– the development of a practicable and detailed learning agreement, where realistic learning outcomes will be stated
– practical arrangements (visa, insurances, travel, accommodation, intercultural support etc.)
– supporting offers in the receiving country: additional trainings, monitoring and evaluation actions
– mentoring plan for the interns
– mentoring for the companies
– coaching plan for ongoing support post mobility period

EYE Project: International Learning Module for Early Years in Education

Project Number: 2017-1-DE02-KA202-004276

Type of EU Project: KA2 Strategic Partnership 

Project details

The main objective of the project is to develop, an innovative training module, which has been tested within the project, is to be described, which offers the learner the opportunity to acquire basic and cross-competencies in their professional field at the European level together with learners from other schools/universities.

This project provides the description of the training module, which is then accepted by the partners as a regular offer in the schools / universities and also offered to other associations of educational partners to be used.
By combining the training module with the offer of a mobility experience for learners (they can either participate in the training module in their own institution or with one of the project partners), they acquire both professional qualifications and access to the basic skills of a pedagogical education., which have been described by the Commission in the “Program for Lifelong Learning”.

The project will also create a room for the exchange of good practices in Early Years Education, encouraging the participation of both students and teachers in the activities, especially in blended mobilities and short staff training events.

Trans-national coordination is ensured through three transnational meetings, where decisions for the ongoing work will be made. Berlin-Kultur e.V. has the role of the overall coordination and collecting all materials and documents.

The project partners will actively take part in the valorisation of the project’s results: organise local multiplier events, uploade information to relevant websites and share the results and knowledge with relevant parties.



Skills #EU: Learning Moibility – Opening European Minds

 Project Number: 2015-3-DEC04-KA205-013135

Type of EU Project: KA2 Strategic Partnership 

Project details

With the VET learning mobility programme of Erasmus+ a great number of young trainees between 18 and 25 get the chance to live and work for several weeks in another European country. The mobility experience awakes their enthusiasm for the country they are visiting as well as for meeting other European trainees. On the one hand the stay abroad usually focuses on learning outcomes related to a formal training context. On the other hand it is also a very eye-opening and once-in-a-lifetime, true European experience where social and personal skills can be improved a lot informally.

The project idea Skills#EU starts here by using the existing enthusiasm of the trainees who are participating in the VET mobility programme and who are a new target group in youth work with great potential. We intent to enhance their European experience by equipping them with the skills necessary to:
– motivate them as active European citizens and increase their EU-awareness
– improve key competences as future European employees
– encourage them to get involved in voluntary activities
– fulfil their educational potential in the field of social and civic competences.

VET towards ECVET

Project Number: 2015-1-FR01-KA202-015007

Type of EU Project: KA2 Strategic Partnership

Project details

VET towards ECVET is an European project, developed under Erasmus+ Programme. It covers the consideration of ECVET in training related to tourism, with a particular focus on 2 sectors : hotel receptionist and seller in touristic areas. This project involves French, Northern Irish, German, Portuguese and Italian partners that will cooperate to implement a certifying mobility of 45 days in order to validate learning units. The project answers the needs in both sectors to prove mastery of a foreign language and cross-cultural approach to deal with customers appropriately.